Thursday 27 June 2013

A gift for the masses: Courtesy of Tracy Ma

Comment from Chris Stark (as written on a blog) below, Tracy Ma's comments in italic.

Dear Friend;

Please remove my name from your blog.

I am very much a VICTIM of WK, I have done nothing to harm WK, I have never emailed or had contact with WK, since, I deleted and banned her from MY site in Oct 2008.

You haven't emailed or contacted her? REALLY?? No, you just troll the internet searching her name and posting your victim impact statement in all the comment sections you can find claiming how she's been stalking you for "YEARS". How did you find this site in order to leave a comment? Surely you just didn't "stumble" on it. You had to SEARCH IT OUT to find it. That reads to me that YOU are the one stalking HER. Pot/kettle?

I do not post about WK or write blogs of warning about WK. My theory is everyone will find out the truth about WK on their own. 

Really??!! Then what were the rambling posts dated 6/20/13 (screenshots located on this site) where you went on and ON about Wayanne and how she STALKS you. YET, Wayanne has been absent, has never sought you out, but here you are going to a site that is discussing HER, and YOU are commenting. Thou doesth protest too much. I believe that YOU search her name and then conveniently leave a comment claiming YOU are the victim of Wayanne, when in fact it is YOU that have gone to a blog where she is named. Pot, kettle. 

We ALL do. 

I am just a simple blogger on Myspace. I do not bother people. I mind my own business and live in a drama free life of peace. 

FACTS: WK had a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (extreme fear of abandonment that manifests itself into a person who is very needy, causes drama, can not perceive reality accurately, actively seeks a rescuer, manipulativeness and has problems with object constancy. 

IMO: I think WK is a malignant narcissistic sociopath. 

IMO: WK keeps reliving her childhood dramas trauma everyday, (stalking, harmed, victimised) only this time, WK rewrites the end. WK gets to be the victim then the HERO.
WK daily routine is to actively seek a rescuer. 

ALL of us victims of WK have the same story experience with WK.

Everything you have just stated here describes YOU perfectly Are you an internet psychiatrist now? You can diagnose over blog posts? LMFAO@U What site did you copy and paste this "diagnosis" from?

WK uses my name to forward her agenda of being famous and being stalked this form of modus operandi sucks in her new prey - this has been going on for almost 2 years. WK actively seeks a rescuer because WK perceives that WK is being stalked. 

She uses your name because you're famous? You ARE delusional. 

All emails WK claims to have come from me are in fact fake and were written by WK. On way to tell is the grammar, language and typing skills. 

My favourite email that WK claims I sent WK; "I am the TMZ of the blogging world." lol. I still get quit the chuckle out of her imagination.

I have seen this email, from YOU. You DID say you were the TMZ of the blogging world. Good try on the backtrack though. 

For the last 5 years, I have written a simple blog on Myspace about a TV show: CBS Big Brother(BB).

Now wait a second because yesterday 6/20/13, you stated that you were a CONTRACT JOURNALIST. Which is it exactly?

Casey Anthony was a blog subscriber = I ended up getting involved in writing about her case. I do not write about any other topics. (Hence, my nickname BB)

I'll state this again, Casey was NEVER a subscriber. You made that little story up to add some "MUCH" needed credibility to the lies you spread about the players in this case. 

Prior to the Casey Anthony Case- WK was virtually unheard of? It has always been my opinion that WK maybe Desi mother, however, everything else after that is 100% a LIE. An alternate reality that WK creates and changes based on who she meets --- IMO.

She was unheard of? Really? Perhaps we should pose this question to Gloria Allred and Disiray Bartak. You remember them, don't you? No? Google Desiray's case. Wayanne is Desiray's MOTHER. Desiray's was a NATIONAL HEADLINE CASE. Jealous much?

Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion and my experience. 


FACT: You search for Wayanne's name and if she is even REMOTELY associated with or mentioned in an article or blog, you HIJACK the comments section (much like you did to this one) and claim that YOU are the victim of Wayanne. You are seeking HER out, not the other way around. 

FACT: Wayanne has not contacted you in YEARS, yet you go on a rampage on 6/20/13 (see previous screen shots) not only bringing up HER but her alleged stalking of YOU and LIES about how you had her arrested and "had her internet taken away". LIES LIES LIES! Wayanne has moved on with her life, it's quite obvious that you are still obsessing about her, bringing her up at your convenience trying to get sympathy because "boohoo" Wayanne has been victimising you for 5 years (even though she's effectively absent). You are a sick twisted bitch. Get some fucking help!


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